pone.0262198.s013.pdf (23.1 kB)

Kaplan-Meier curve for GZMB expression stratified by median in 177 CMS2 tumors with low T-effector score from the GSE39582 dataset for RFS.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-31, 18:45 authored by Anneleen Daemen, Akshata R. Udyavar, Thomas Sandmann, Congfen Li, Linda J. W. Bosch, William O’Gorman, Yijin Li, Amelia Au-Yeung, Chikara Takahashi, Omar Kabbarah, Richard Bourgon, Priti Hegde, Carlos Bais, Meghna Das Thakur

A T-effector score, excluding GZMB, below the mean score in the full cohort is considered low. The p-value corresponds to a log-rank test.

