pone.0245697.s007.docx (125.78 kB)

Interannual variations of disease prevalence (incidence scores) on wheat variety Digalu.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-03, 18:49 authored by M. Meyer, N. Bacha, T. Tesfaye, Y. Alemayehu, E. Abera, B. Hundie, G. Woldeab, B. Girma, A. Gemechu, T. Negash, T. Mideksa, J. Smith, M. Jaleta, D. Hodson, C. A. Gilligan

(A) wheat stripe rust; (B) wheat stem rust; (C) wheat leaf rust. The labels at the top of the x-axes show the total number of surveys per year. Prevalence is calculated as: [number of surveys with disease incidence (severity) / total number of surveys per wheat variety].

