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In situ hybridization strategy to visualize M-opsin and L-opsin mRNA.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-11, 18:23 authored by Sarah E. Hadyniak, Joanna F. D. Hagen, Kiara C. Eldred, Boris Brenerman, Katarzyna A. Hussey, Rajiv C. McCoy, Michael E. G. Sauria, James A. Kuchenbecker, Thomas Reh, Ian Glass, Maureen Neitz, Jay Neitz, James Taylor, Robert J. Johnston Jr

(A) Identification of HEK293 cells using Hoechst (light gray) in the experiment in Fig 1I and 1J. M-opsin (blue) and L-opsin (pink). Blue arrow indicates a cell expressing M-opsin mRNA only. Pink arrows indicate cells expressing L-opsin mRNA only. Purple arrow indicates a cell expressing both M-opsin mRNA and L-opsin mRNA. Black arrow indicates an untransfected cell. Note that the Hoechst signal is reduced in cells that express M-opsin mRNA and/or L-opsin mRNA, likely due to the colorimetric signal blocking the fluorescent signal. (B) Identification of retinal layers using Hoechst (light gray) in the experiment in Fig 1K and 1L. M-opsin (blue) and L-opsin (pink). No cones co-expressed M-opsin mRNA and L-opsin mRNA. ONL, outer nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer. (C) Quantification of M-opsin mRNA-expressing, L-opsin mRNA-expressing, or M+L-opsin mRNA-expressing cells that express M/L-opsin protein for the experiments conducted in HEK293 cells in Fig 1I and 1J and adult human retina in Fig 1K and 1L.

