ppat.1009870.s003.docx (119 kB)

Immunity is not upregulated in aseptic blood fed females.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-02, 17:37 authored by Floriane Almire, Selim Terhzaz, Sandra Terry, Melanie McFarlane, Rommel J. Gestuveo, Agnieszka M. Szemiel, Margus Varjak, Alma McDonald, Alain Kohl, Emilie Pondeville

Females previously treated with antibiotics did not have access to sucrose for 48 h and were either not fed (NSF), fed with 10% sucrose (SF), or blood fed (BF). Digestive tracts were dissected 16 h post feeding time. RNA transcript levels of p400, piwi4 and ppo8. Box plots display the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum relative expression levels. N = 5 pools of 5 digestive tracts per condition. Statistical significance was assessed with an analysis of variance followed by a Fisher’s multiple comparison test. ns, p value > 0.05; *, p value < 0.05; ****, p value <0.0001.

