pone.0256937.s005.docx (56.97 kB)

IC50 measurements for candidate iRPN13s in human cancer cell lines (nM), and the TC-1 mouse model of cervical cancer.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-10, 17:35 authored by Ravi K. Anchoori, Logan George, Ssu-Hsueh Tseng, Brandon Lam, Srinidhi Polkampally, Anjali D. Amiano, Palmer Foran, Hannah Tsingine, Harideep Samanapally, Fernanda Carrizo Velasquez, Samarjit Das, Deyin Xing, Ahmad Bin Salam, Balasubramanyam Karanam, Chien-Fu Hung, Richard B. S. Roden

