pone.0249150.s003.docx (330.47 kB)

Homologous DIP competition assays with disabled insecticidal proteins (DIP) against the corresponding native insecticidal protein counterparts.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-17, 17:39 authored by Danqi Chen, William J. Moar, Agoston Jerga, Anilkumar Gowda, Jason S. Milligan, Eric C. Bretsynder, Timothy J. Rydel, James A. Baum, Altair Semeao, Xiaoran Fu, Victor Guzov, Karen Gabbert, Graham P. Head, Jeffrey A. Haas

Native insecticidal proteins were competed against increasing concentrations of their corresponding disabled insecticidal protein variants on SBL (A), VBC (B), SAW (C), CEW (D), OWB (E) and BLAW (F).

