pgen.1009443.s004.pdf (223.63 kB)

Histogram of the number of sample types in which each DMP is differentially methylated compared to whole blood.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-19, 17:35 authored by Eilis Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Emma Walker, Marta F. Nabais, Joe Burrage, Agnieszka Kepa, Janis Best-Lane, Anna Rose, Suzanne Heck, Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom Caspi, Louise Arseneault, Jonathan Mill

Taking all sites identified as having a significantly different level of DNA methylation compared to whole blood in at least one sample type (n = 611,070, ANOVA P < 9x10-8) we counted the number each of individual sample types characterized by differential DNAm (P < 0.05).

