pntd.0009071.s006.docx (155.66 kB)

HILIC-UHPLC profiles of 2-AB labelled material released by hydrazinolysis.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-02, 18:43 authored by Radoslaw P. Kozak, Karina Mondragon-Shem, Christopher Williams, Clair Rose, Samirah Perally, Guy Caljon, Jan Van Den Abbeele, Katherine Wongtrakul-Kish, Richard A. Gardner, Daniel Spencer, Michael J. Lehane, Álvaro Acosta-Serrano

(A) Glucose homopolymer (GHP); (B) O-glycans released from bovine fetuin positive control; (C) material released from teneral tsetse saliva. The peaks labelled with asterisks (*) correspond to hydrazinolysis side products (also present in the fetuin and water control samples). (D) water blank (negative control). GU, glucose homopolymer ladder. 2-AB, 2-aminobenzamide.

