ppat.1009346.s008.doc (59.53 kB)

Genes with altered transcript and ATACseq peak levels.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-26, 18:42 authored by Stuart R. Jefferys, Samuel D. Burgos, Jackson J. Peterson, Sara R. Selitsky, Anne-Marie W. Turner, Lindsey I. James, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Alisha R. Coffey, David M. Margolis, Joel Parker, Edward P. Browne

Genes exhibiting a significant change to both transcript level and accessibility in actively infected cells (GFP+) vs latently infected cells (GFP-) are shown (fold change>1.5, Padj<0.1). Increased RNA levels or accessibility in actively infected cells (GFP+) are designated as changing in the “up” direction.

