pone.0298964.s014.docx (114.69 kB)

Gender proportion of full-time professors and their rankings at Universidad del Rosario between 2015–2021.

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posted on 2024-03-06, 18:23 authored by Andrea Paz, Carolina Pardo-Díaz

Female in salmon and male in blue. For equivalence and clarity purposes the internal classifications were renamed to be equivalent to the international standard. Ranks from lowest to highest are: Auxiliar 1 (originally called “Auxiliar”), Auxiliar 2 (originally called “Asistente”), Assistant (originally called “Principal”), Associate (originally called “Asociado”), and Full (originally called “Titular”). Auxiliar 1 and 2 are equivalent to instructors. Due to availability constraints, data is for all disciplines and not only for natural sciences.

