pone.0287893.s006.docx (19.08 kB)

Frequency (Freq.) and prevalence (Prev.) of parasites in captive monkeys found at each context for animal-human interaction in Peru.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-07, 18:25 authored by A. Patricia Mendoza, Ana Muñoz-Maceda, Bruno M. Ghersi, Micaela De La Puente, Carlos Zariquiey, Nancy Cavero, Yovana Murillo, Miguel Sebastian, Yohani Ibañez, Patricia G. Parker, Alberto Perez, Marcela Uhart, Janine Robinson, Sarah H. Olson, Marieke H. Rosenbaum

This table shows the frequency of detection and prevalence of each parasite type (MTBC, SFV, hemoparasites, enteric bacteria, enteric helminths, enteric protozoa, and trichomonads) among the contexts for animal-human interaction (captivity, pet, and trade) in which trafficked monkeys are found in Peru and the results of the chi-squared test comparing the homogeneity of proportions between contexts.

