pone.0296928.s006.docx (1.43 MB)

Fluorescence microscopy images of SLC4A11 V2WT and V3WT hCEnC.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-22, 18:26 authored by Doug D. Chung, Angela C. Chen, Charlene H. Choo, Wenlin Zhang, Dominic Williams, Christopher G. Griffis, Paul Bonezzi, Kavya Jatavallabhula, Alapakkam P. Sampath, Anthony J. Aldave

Immunostaining was performed with custom anti-SLC4A11 antibodies (anti-SLC4A11-M36 antibody in A and B; anti-SLC4A11-V3 antibody in C) (red, left panels) and DAPI (blue, middle panels). Right panels show merged images. Scale bars: 20 μm.

