pbio.3002454.s003.pdf (148.74 kB)

Final P. fluorescens population size correlates positively with initial population size after growth at 12 and 22°C but not at 32°C.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-23, 18:23 authored by Marie Vasse, Francesca Fiegna, Ben Kriesel, Gregory J. Velicer

Relationship between P. fluorescens initial and final population sizes after 22 hours of growth at different temperatures 12, 22, or 32°C. Log10-transformed CFU values (n = 3), linear fits, and 95% confidence intervals about the linear fits are shown. The dataset for this figure and the R script used to analyze it and make the figure are available on Zenodo (10.5281/zenodo.10214013).

