pone.0245157.s006.docx (13.69 kB)

Extended analysis of correlation between important model features and clinical risk scores.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-19, 18:27 authored by William P. T. M. van Doorn, Patricia M. Stassen, Hella F. Borggreve, Maaike J. Schalkwijk, Judith Stoffers, Otto Bekers, Steven J. R. Meex

To study the correlation between the most important features contributing to model predictions and the clinical criteria (qSOFA and SIRS) and risk scores (abbMEDS and mREMS), we compared their existence in both. The top-20 most important features (Fig 3 in main article) are compared to all criteria in the clinical scores (S1 File). We observe that most of the features present in the clinical criteria and scores are also among the most important features in the lab and clinical machine learning model.

