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Exploratory study of ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation and age of onset of bipolar disorder

Version 3 2024-06-19, 19:41
Version 2 2024-06-02, 22:51
Version 1 2023-07-18, 05:12
journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-19, 19:41 authored by M Bauer, T Glenn, ED Achtyes, M Alda, E Agaoglu, K Altınbaş, OA Andreassen, E Angelopoulos, R Ardau, M Aydin, Y Ayhan, C Baethge, R Bauer, BT Baune, C Balaban, C Becerra-Palars, AP Behere, PB Behere, H Belete, T Belete, GO Belizario, F Bellivier, RH Belmaker, F Benedetti, Michael BerkMichael Berk, Y Bersudsky, Ş Bicakci, H Birabwa-Oketcho, TD Bjella, C Brady, J Cabrera, M Cappucciati, AMP Castro, WL Chen, EYW Cheung, S Chiesa, M Crowe, A Cuomo, S Dallaspezia, M Del Zompo, P Desai, Seetal DoddSeetal Dodd, B Etain, A Fagiolini, FT Fellendorf, E Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, JG Fiedorowicz, KN Fountoulakis, MA Frye, PA Geoffroy, MJ Gitlin, A Gonzalez-Pinto, JF Gottlieb, P Grof, BCM Haarman, H Harima, M Hasse-Sousa, C Henry, L Hoffding, J Houenou, M Imbesi, ET Isometsä, M Ivkovic, S Janno, S Johnsen, F Kapczinski, GN Karakatsoulis, M Kardell, LV Kessing, SJ Kim, B König, TL Kot, M Koval, M Kunz, B Lafer, M Landén, ER Larsen, M Lenger, RW Licht, C Lopez-Jaramillo, A MacKenzie, HØ Madsen, SAKA Madsen, J Mahadevan, A Mahardika, M Manchia, W Marsh, M Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, J Martini, K Martiny, Y Mashima, DM McLoughlin, Y Meesters, I Melle, F Meza-Urzúa, P Mikolas, YM Mok, S Monteith, M Moorthy, G Morken
Abstract Background Sunlight contains ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation that triggers the production of vitamin D by skin. Vitamin D has widespread effects on brain function in both developing and adult brains. However, many people live at latitudes (about > 40 N or S) that do not receive enough UVB in winter to produce vitamin D. This exploratory study investigated the association between the age of onset of bipolar I disorder and the threshold for UVB sufficient for vitamin D production in a large global sample. Methods Data for 6972 patients with bipolar I disorder were obtained at 75 collection sites in 41 countries in both hemispheres. The best model to assess the relation between the threshold for UVB sufficient for vitamin D production and age of onset included 1 or more months below the threshold, family history of mood disorders, and birth cohort. All coefficients estimated at P ≤ 0.001. Results The 6972 patients had an onset in 582 locations in 70 countries, with a mean age of onset of 25.6 years. Of the onset locations, 34.0% had at least 1 month below the threshold for UVB sufficient for vitamin D production. The age of onset at locations with 1 or more months of less than or equal to the threshold for UVB was 1.66 years younger. Conclusion UVB and vitamin D may have an important influence on the development of bipolar disorder. Study limitations included a lack of data on patient vitamin D levels, lifestyles, or supplement use. More study of the impacts of UVB and vitamin D in bipolar disorder is needed to evaluate this supposition.



International Journal of Bipolar Disorders



Article number












Publication classification

C1 Refereed article in a scholarly journal


