pone.0289047.s004.docx (18.62 kB)

Experiment 2.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-07, 18:23 authored by Anna-Lena Zillig, Paul Pauli, Matthias Wieser, Philipp Reicherts

Additional information of participants. The assessed questionnaires in experiment 2 after the experiment were reduced in comparison to experiment 1 to keep the total time limited, therefore only the following questionnaires were assessed: the Resilience Scale, RS-25 [61], the trait version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI-T [55, 56], the Life-Orientation-Test Revised, LOT-R [62, 63], the Expressions of Spirituality, ASP2.1 [64, 65]. The Beck Depression-Inventory, BDI-II [66, 67], the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward, SPSRQ [68], the Experience in close relationships- revised ECR-RD [69, 70] and the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3, ASI3 [71] were no longer assessed. The two groups did not differ in their test scores (S2 Table).

