pone.0242461.s008.docx (15.7 kB)

Estimation of exposure effect.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-04-14, 17:23 authored by Jan M. Bauer, Marina Schröder, Martina Vecchi, Tina Bake, Suzanne L. Dickson, Michèle Belot

Notes: Dependent variables are: choice (change in percentage of children choosing the dried apple), liking (change in liking measured on a 4-point scale), and comparison (change in number of times the dried apple is preferred in 5 pairwise comparisons). Independent variables a set of dummy variables indicating the assessment, with the 1st assessment as reference. We also control for school specific fixed-effects. Estimates for choice based on a logit model, liking and comparison estimated by an ordered logit. P-values below the coefficients based on: () clustered standard errors on the individual level following [21]; {} heteroscedastic robust unclustered standard errors. P-values below 0.1 in bold.

