ppat.1011815.s003.docx (24.55 kB)

EIA optical densities of brain regions of sheep infected with the WTD scrapie agent.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-04, 18:34 authored by Robyn D. Kokemuller, S. Jo Moore, Jifeng Bian, M. Heather West Greenlee, Justin J. Greenlee

Samples from the brainstem at the level of the obex, cerebellum, and neocortex (10% homogenate at 1:1) of the animals tested for PrPSc immunoreactivity in Fig 2 were quantified using EIA (BSE-Scrapie Antigen Test Kit, EIA, IDEXX, Westbrook, ME) in increasing dilutions to determine the relative amount of PrPSc present in each brain region. The negative sample cut-off value of 0.201 was determined by adding 0.180 to the negative control sample provided in the kit.

