pone.0249150.s001.docx (469.35 kB)

Dose response of native insecticidal proteins in diet feeding assays on targeted insects.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-17, 17:39 authored by Danqi Chen, William J. Moar, Agoston Jerga, Anilkumar Gowda, Jason S. Milligan, Eric C. Bretsynder, Timothy J. Rydel, James A. Baum, Altair Semeao, Xiaoran Fu, Victor Guzov, Karen Gabbert, Graham P. Head, Jeffrey A. Haas

The mean of insect mortality in percentage ranging from 0 to 100 with error bar in standard deviation is plotted as a function of the logarithms to base 10 of insecticidal protein concentration in the unit of ng/cm2 on SBL (A), VBC (B), SAW (C), CEW (D), OWB (E) and BLAW (F). For proteins giving mortality <40% at the maximum dose tested on VBC (G), CEW (H), OWB (I) and BLAW (J), stunting responses also are plotted as a function of insecticidal protein concentration. See additional information on insect diet bioassay in the method section.

