pone.0253975.s002.pdf (10.26 MB)

Distribution of diagnostic urinary steroid hormone metabolite ratios without outliers.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-08, 17:31 authored by Valentin Rousson, Daniel Ackermann, Belen Ponte, Menno Pruijm, Idris Guessous, Claudia H. d’Uscio, Georg Ehret, Geneviève Escher, Antoinette Pechère-Bertschi, Michael Groessl, Pierre-Yves Martin, Michel Burnier, Bernhard Dick, Murielle Bochud, Bruno Vogt, Nasser A. Dhayat

Figures from S1 Fig were remade and the tail from extremely right-skewed distributions were truncated after visual inspection for improved visibility.

