pone.0257528.s005.docx (25.85 kB)

Distribution of conditional probabilities of the cities to belong to each profile.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-26, 17:27 authored by Olga L. Sarmiento, Andrés F. Useche, Daniel A. Rodriguez, Iryna Dronova, Oscar Guaje, Felipe Montes, Ivana Stankov, Maria Alejandra Wilches, Usama Bilal, Xize Wang, Luis A. Guzmán, Fabian Peña, D. Alex Quistberg, John A. Guerra-Gomez, Ana V. Diez Roux

Distribution of the conditional probabilities of 370 cities is plotted in bars, where bigger bars reflect a higher proportion of cities. a) urban landscape profiles and b) street design profiles.

