pgen.1011037.s001.docx (212.74 kB)

Details about the derivations of sampling variance, details about the selection of ethnicity-insensitive SNPs, and details about fPCA and fStructure.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-11, 19:00 authored by Qi-Xin Zhang, Tianzi Liu, Xinxin Guo, Jianxin Zhen, Meng-yuan Yang, Saber Khederzadeh, Fang Zhou, Xiaotong Han, Qiwen Zheng, Peilin Jia, Xiaohu Ding, Mingguang He, Xin Zou, Jia-Kai Liao, Hongxin Zhang, Ji He, Xiaofeng Zhu, Daru Lu, Hongyan Chen, Changqing Zeng, Fan Liu, Hou-Feng Zheng, Siyang Liu, Hai-Ming Xu, Guo-Bo Chen

This appendix contains supplementary notes on “Details about random matrix properties for encGRM” (Note 1), “The variance of GRM (assumption: multivariate normal distribution)” (Note 2), “The variance of GRM (assumption: binomial distribution)” (Note 3), “The variance of encGRM” (Note 4), “The variance of encG-reg” (Note 5), “Details about power calculation in Eq 4” (Note 6), “Selection of ethnicity-insensitive SNPs” (Note 7), and “fPCA and fStructure” (Note 8).

