pone.0251517.s004.docx (98.95 kB)

Detail of scoring and categorization of covariates used across all models assessed in this study, organized by data availability/work load to acquire score.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-19, 17:45 authored by J. A. Uelmen, P. Irwin, W. M. Brown, S. Karki, M. O. Ruiz, B. Li, R. L. Smith

Scoring was denoted as follows: Cumulative Significance, p<0.001 = 4, p<0.01 = 3, p <0.05 = 2, included in model = 1; Data Availability/Work Load to Acquire, Data Unavailable/Fieldwork required = 4, Data available, but requires many resources to use = 3, Data available, but requires moderate resources to acquire = 2, Data readily available and requires little to no resources to use = 1; Covariate Value = Quotient of previous two columns.

