pone.0294069.s001.docx (52.62 kB)

Descriptive statistics for the vital signs from biosignals across all phases and RMANOVA test results.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-09, 18:47 authored by Hannes Ernst, Matthieu Scherpf, Sebastian Pannasch, Jens R. Helmert, Hagen Malberg, Martin Schmidt

Mean ± standard deviation given for each phase. To protect the RMANOVA from outlier distortion, vital signs were filtered with the MATLAB function rmoutliers in its standard configuration. Greenhousse-Geisser correction factor εGG given if Mauchly’s test indicated violation of the sphericity assumption. Significance markers according to Bonferroni corrected significance levels (*: p < 0.05/60, **: p < 0.01/60, ***: p < 0.001/60). n: Available participants.

