pone.0292330.s004.docx (14.43 kB)

Descriptive information on participant subsamples with specific comorbidities (collapsed across reading ability).

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-29, 18:27 authored by Oliver H. M. Lasnick, Roeland Hancock, Fumiko Hoeft

SES, socioeconomic status (annual income). All p-values are two-sided. Age is given in years, with MEAN (SD) format. SES is given as median. Sex and dominant hand are percentages. Frequentist tests significant at the .05 α-level and Bayesian t-tests with a BF10 > 2.00 [equivalent to a log(BF10) > .70] are bolded. Hand dominance was determined using the Grooved Pegboard Test. The only significant contrast for demographic variables occurred for sex, such that the participants with anxiety had a higher proportion of girls than the participants without anxiety. All comparisons for low-gamma and the lateralization index favored the null hypothesis with a relative likelihood >2.00 [log(BF10) < -.70].

