pgen.1009443.s007.pdf (155.94 kB)

Density plot of the variation in DNA methylation for each sample-type.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-19, 17:35 authored by Eilis Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Emma Walker, Marta F. Nabais, Joe Burrage, Agnieszka Kepa, Janis Best-Lane, Anna Rose, Suzanne Heck, Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom Caspi, Louise Arseneault, Jonathan Mill

Shown across all autosomal DNAm sites included in our analysis is the distribution of the standard deviation in DNAm at each site. Each sample-type is represented by a different coloured line. Our results show that in general, DNA methylation measured in buccal (purple) or nasal (blue) epithelial samples is more variable across individuals than DNA methylation measured in whole blood and individual constituent blood cell types.

