pmed.1004315.s003.docx (19.41 kB)

Demographics of (i) target population*, (ii) participants excluded from the analytical sample, and (iii) participants included in the analytical sample.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-24, 18:40 authored by Laura Panagi, Simon R. White, Snehal M. Pinto Pereira, Manjula D. Nugawela, Isobel Heyman, Kishan Sharma, Terence Stephenson, Trudie Chalder, Natalia K. Rojas, Emma Dalrymple, Kelsey McOwat, Ruth Simmons, Olivia Swann, Tamsin Ford, Roz Shafran

*Target population includes those who at first invitation 3 or 6 months post-testing filled in their first questionnaire. **p-value from chi-2 test comparing included to excluded participants.

