pone.0255345.s003.docx (31.96 kB)

Demographic and clinical characteristics and comorbidities of patients with definite, probable, possible or unlikely FH, at baselinea.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-02, 17:25 authored by Jean Ferrières, Victoria Banks, Demetris Pillas, Francesco Giorgianni, Laurene Gantzer, Beranger Lekens, Lea Ricci, Margaux Dova-Boivin, Jean-Vannak Chauny, Guillermo Villa, Gaelle Désaméricq

FH, Familial hypercholesterolemia; SD, Standard deviation; CI, Confidence interval; CVD, Cardiovascular disease; CIHD, Chronic ischemic heart disease; LDL, Low-density lipoprotein; Min, Minimum; Max, Maximum; Q, Quartile; LLT, Lipid lowering therapy. aThe index date is the date of the first entry of the DLCN score of the patient by the consented physician into the database. bAny statin, excluding statin + ezetimibe fixed combination.

