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Cu2+-cyclen as Probe to Identify Conformational States in Guanine Nucleotide Binding Proteins

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journal contribution
posted on 2011-02-23, 00:00 authored by Tanja Meierhofer, Ina C. Rosnizeck, Thorsten Graf, Kerstin Reiss, Burkhard König, Hans Robert Kalbitzer, Michael Spoerner
31P NMR spectroscopy is a suitable method for identifying conformational states in the active site of guanine nucleotide binding proteins detecting the nucleotide placed there. Because there is no labeling necessary, this method is gaining increasing interest. By 31P NMR spectroscopy two major conformational states, namely state 1(T) and state 2(T), can be detected in active Ras protein characterized by different chemical shifts. Depending on the conformational state Ras shows clearly different physiological properties. Meanwhile analogous conformational equilibria could also be shown for other members of the Ras superfamily. It is often difficult to determine the conformational states of the proteins on the basis of chemical shift alone; therefore, direct detection would be a great advantage. With the use of Cu2+-cyclen which selectively interacts only with one of the major conformational states (state 1) one has a probe to distinguish between the two states, because only proteins existing in conformational state 1 interact with the Cu2+-cyclen at low millimolar concentrations. The suitability was proven using Ras(wt) and Ras mutants, Ras complexed with GTP, GppNHp, or GTPγS, as well as two further members of the Ras superfamily namely Arf1 and Ran.
