pone.0300465.s002.docx (18.4 kB)

Correlations of APA measures and FOG-related measures at Pre in Freezers.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-11, 17:29 authored by Jana Seuthe, Anna Heinzel, Femke Hulzinga, Pieter Ginis, Kirsten E. Zeuner, Günther Deuschl, Nicholas D’Cruz, Alice Nieuwboer, Christian Schlenstedt

ML = medio-lateral, AP = anterior-posterior, APA = anticipatory postural adjustment, ROM = range of motion, FOG = Freezing of Gait, GI = gait initiation, NFOGQ = New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire, † Pearson correlation was used for interval-scaled variables (FOG ratio), Spearman was used for ordinal scaled variables (FOG score, FOG score (GI), NFGOQ, NFOGQ (GI), % time frozen).

