pone.0296502.s003.pdf (750.49 kB)

Correlation of anti-Vpr IgG level, HIV RNA level and Vpr levels.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-02, 18:59 authored by Akihiro Matsunaga, Naokatsu Ando, Yuko Yamagata, Mari Shimura, Hiroyuki Gatanaga, Shinichi Oka, Yukihito Ishizaka

(A) Relationship between anti-Vpr IgG level and HIV RNA in 72 HIV viremic patients. The horizontal dotted line is the detection limit of HIV RNA (20 copies/mL), and the vertical dotted line is the detection limit of anti-Vpr IgG (optical density at 450nm; OD450 = 0.38). (B) Relationship between anti-Vpr IgG and Vpr levels in the non-tumor and tumor groups. The horizontal dotted line is the detection limit of Vpr (3.9 pg/mL), and the vertical dotted line is the detection limit of anti-Vpr IgG (OD = 0.38). A log-log regression analysis was performed to assess the correlation. The correlation coefficient (r) and the p-value (P) are shown in graph. The solid line represents the best-fit line.

