pone.0253620.s008.docx (13.28 kB)

Correlation analysis of model parameters and questionnaire data in adult patients with TS and controls adjusted for multiple comparison.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-18, 17:33 authored by Canan Beate Schüller, Ben Jonathan Wagner, Thomas Schüller, Juan Carlos Baldermann, Daniel Huys, Julia Kerner auch Koerner, Eva Niessen, Alexander Münchau, Valerie Brandt, Jan Peters, Jens Kuhn

We report our exploratory analysis on discount-rate and questionnaire data. Scores are spearman correlation coefficients (p-value) not corrected for multiple comparisons. TS, Tourette syndrome; BDI, Becks depression inventory; OCI-R, Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised; TS, Tourette syndrome; WURS-k, Wender-Utah-Rating-Scale.

