pcbi.1009254.s021.pdf (64 kB)

Comparison of original and modified Merqury error rate estimation results.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-03, 17:36 authored by Jia-Yuan Zhang, Hannah Roberts, David S. C. Flores, Antony J. Cutler, Andrew C. Brown, Justin P. Whalley, Olga Mielczarek, David Buck, Helen Lockstone, Barbara Xella, Karen Oliver, Craig Corton, Emma Betteridge, Rachael Bashford-Rogers, Julian C. Knight, John A. Todd, Gavin Band

Table shows per-base error rate estimates for local scaffolds and the finished HV31 assembly (Fig 1A) using the Merqury algorithm, and the modified algorithm described in Methods and Fig 1D legend. As described in Methods, the key difference is that we estimate based on clusters of kmers with low validation coverage and this produces slightly higher estimates in practice than the Merqury method.

