pone.0253095.s006.docx (32.69 kB)

Comparison of isotopic niche metrics between study species, sexes, and seasons (Nov.-May vs. Jun.-Oct.).

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-21, 17:27 authored by Nathalie Almeida, Jaime A. Ramos, Isabel Rodrigues, Ivo dos Santos, Jorge M. Pereira, Diana M. Matos, Pedro M. Araújo, Pedro Geraldes, Tommy Melo, Vitor H. Paiva

Carbon range, the distance between max. and min. δ13C values; (2) nitrogen range, the distance between max. and min. δ15N values; (3) total area (TA), as the convex hull area encompassed by all values in a δ13C – δ15N bi-plot space; (4) standard ellipse area (SEA); (5) standard ellipse corrected for sample size (SEAC), depicting the area with 40% probability of containing a subsequently sampled datum; (6) mean distance to centroid (CD), as the average Euclidean distance of each isotopic value to the δ13C - δ15N centroid, where the centroid is the mean δ13C – δ15N value for all values in the food web; (7) mean nearest neighbour distance (NND), as the mean of the Euclidean distances to each value nearest neighbour in bi-plot space, and thus a measure of the overall density of ‘values packing’; (8) SD nearest neighbour distance (SDNND), as a measure of the evenness of ‘values packing’ in bi-plot space that is less influenced than NND by sample size.

