pmed.1003636.s006.docx (23.02 kB)

Characteristics of parents (G0 cohort) included in analyses compared to those excluded due to missing exposure, outcome or confounder data.

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-06, 18:36 authored by Linda M. O’Keeffe, Joshua A. Bell, Kate N. O’Neill, Matthew A. Lee, Mark Woodward, Sanne A. E. Peters, George Davey Smith, Patricia M. Kearney

aDenominators for excluded participants in this table vary due to missing data for characteristics shown. bSmoking during pregnancy is defined as the mother having self-reported smoking any type of tobacco in the first trimester. For males in G0, smoking during pregnancy is defined as the mother having reported on behalf of the father at 18 weeks gestation that the father currently smokes any type of tobacco. BMI, body mass index; CSE, Certificate of Secondary Education; FM, fat mass; G0, parent generation 0; SD, standard deviation; WC, waist circumference.

