pntd.0011745.s005.docx (14.59 kB)

Characteristics of filter paper samples of 314 further analyzed cases.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-29, 18:25 authored by Jacob M. Bezemer, Joanna Merckx, Byron P. Freire Paspuel, Manuel Calvopiña, Henry J. C. de Vries, Henk D. F. H. Schallig, Mariska M. G. Leeflang, Nandini Dendukuri

qPCR: quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction, hTNF: human Tumor Necrosis Factor, Ct: Cycle Threshold, IQR: Interquartile Range. a hTNF was applied as internal control for sample taking and DNA extraction in a duplex qPCR together with Leishmania rDNA. Ct values have a logarithmic relationship with DNA concentrations and lower Cts indicate higher DNA copy numbers. b Leishmania species was determined in Leishmania 18SrDNA qPCR positive samples by sequencing a gen fragment that codes for the Leishmania Cytochrome B enzyme.

