pone.0258088.s005.pdf (102.86 kB)

Characteristics of 612 New York City medical student respondents.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-06, 18:00 authored by Kate E. Lee, Francesca Lim, Elisabeth R. Silver, Adam S. Faye, Chin Hur

Abbreviations: New York University (NYU), State University of New York (SUNY), First Year Medical Student (MS1), Second Year Medical Student (MS2), Third Year Medical Student (MS3), Fourth Year Medical Student (MS4), Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). a Counts may not total to 612 due to item nonresponse. b Includes students pursuing an MD-PhD or taking a gap year. c Includes nonbinary students and those who preferred not to answer. d Includes students who preferred not to answer

