pone.0258088.s008.pdf (56.28 kB)

Changes in specialty choice in participants, from before and after COVID-19.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-06, 18:00 authored by Kate E. Lee, Francesca Lim, Elisabeth R. Silver, Adam S. Faye, Chin Hur

Abbreviations: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN). a Denominator for percentages is the number of respondents in the primary analysis who answered both before and after parts of this particular survey item. The total n does not equal n = 212 of the primary analysis as our inclusion criteria did not necessitate participants to specify specialty before and after COVID-19. b Percentages in this column represent the percent change between the two counts in the Data column. c Denominator for percentages is the total number of participants who answered this particular survey item, both before and after parts, regardless of answering any other parts of the survey.

