pbio.3002450.s008.pdf (722.68 kB)

Caspase 3-associated apoptosis is induced by Dad-mediated Dpp signal attenuation.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-30, 18:21 authored by Tomas Navarro, Antonella Iannini, Marta Neto, Alejandro Campoy-Lopez, Javier Muñoz-García, Paulo S. Pereira, Saúl Ares, Fernando Casares

optix2/3-GAL4; UAS-Dad (“optix>Dad”) eye disc stained for activated caspase 3 (“cas3*”). Abundant cas3* signal is detected in cells anterior to the differentiation wave-front (dashed line). The disc is counterstained with the nuclear marker DAPI. (b, b’) Close-up of a cas3*-positive region. Cas3* signal (b’: arrows) overlaps with pycnotic nuclei stained with DAPI (small, dense DAPI signal), indicating that cells enter an irreversible apoptotic process.

