Holgado et al, 2024 - AAM IJOPM.PDF (888.81 kB)

Brilliance in resilience: operations and supply chain management’s role in achieving a sustainable future

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-04-03, 16:11 authored by Maria HolgadoMaria Holgado, Constantin Blome, Martin C Schleper, Nachiappan SubramanianNachiappan Subramanian
The purpose of this article is to discuss how the mastery of resilience in operations and supply chains plays a significant role in the transition to a more sustainable future. Furthermore, it is supposed to propose avenues for future research on operational and supply chain resilience, interacting with the sustainability literature in our field. A conceptual review of resilience and sustainability themes within operations and supply chain management research is conducted. Reflections on the topic are informed by relevant literature published over the last decade. The major conceptual contributions are threefold: i) This article elaborates on the understanding of operational resilience and supply chain resilience concepts and reviews their respective primary research streams. ii) It proposes resilience as the missing element in the pursuit of excellence in organizations that want to contribute to a more sustainable future. iii) The article offers a research framework that provides a future research agenda at the intersection of resilience and sustainability in operations and supply chain management research. The article highlights gaps in current research and illustrates further areas of research that need to be addressed to maximize the contribution of operations and supply chain management research in supporting practitioners to achieve a more sustainable future.


Publication status

  • Published

File Version

  • Accepted version


International Journal of Operations and Production Management





Department affiliated with

  • Management Publications
  • Business and Management Publications


University of Sussex

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  • Yes

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  • Yes