pone.0261681.s002.pdf (73.69 kB)

Bounds used for optimization of the free parameters, and the sets of optimal values.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-31, 19:00 authored by William Lövfors, Jona Ekström, Cecilia Jönsson, Peter Strålfors, Gunnar Cedersund, Elin Nyman

The rate parameters (kx) were given a free range (10−6 to 106). isoscale was allowed a 20% deviation from the expected value of 10. For the input functions, the minimum values minx was given a range from zero to 20% of max, the steepness nx was given a range from 0 to 2, and the EC50x was given a free range for all doses used in the dataset from [15] (10−5 to 103 nM), except for EC501 which was limited based on the EC50 of IR in [17]. corresponds to the optimal parameter set for the original dataset. corresponds to the optimal parameter set for the extended dataset.

