pone.0252642.s004.docx (13.88 kB)

Body weights of Wt and Het dams with or without LPS treatment at E15.5 and E16.5.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-04, 17:37 authored by Maide Ozen, Hui Zhao, Flora Kalish, Yang Yang, Lauren L. Jantzie, Ronald J. Wong, David K. Stevenson

LPS90 was administered i.p., at E15.5 to pregnant (P) Wt and Het dams. LPS90-treated Wt dams did not lose weight at E16.5 (n = 18) compared with age-matched pregnant Wt dams (n = 6). LPS90-treated Het dams did not lose weight at E16.5 (n = 8) compared with age-matched pregnant Het dams (n = 7 for both embryonic ages). p > 0.05.

