pgen.1009870.s005.pdf (2.32 MB)

Behavior of heterochromatin proteins D1 and Prod in Cap-H2cc3 mutant spermatocytes.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-20, 17:36 authored by Luisa Vernizzi, Christian F. Lehner

(A, B) Whole mount preparations of testes expressing D1-sfGFP were labeled with anti-Prod, anti-Lamin Dm0 and a DNA stain. Testes were either from control males (+ / +) of from Cap-H2cc3/ Df(3R)Exel6159 mutants. (A) Testis tip regions. (B) High magnification view with spermatogonial cells (upper region) and S1/2 spermatocytes (lower region) with high and low levels of D1-sfGFP, respectively. Scale bars = 20 μm (A) and 10 μm (B).

