pmed.1003700.s005.docx (17 kB)

Associations of adipose tissue biomarkers and T2D incidence (sensitivity analysis).

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-09, 18:38 authored by Farhad Pishgar, Mahsima Shabani, Thiago Quinaglia A. C. Silva, David A. Bluemke, Matthew Budoff, R Graham Barr, Matthew A. Allison, Alain G. Bertoni, Wendy S. Post, João A. C. Lima, Shadpour Demehri

Model 0: unadjusted. Model 1: adjusted for categorical age, sex, race/ethnicity, smoking status, alcohol drinking status, physical activity, TG, HDL cholesterol, and hypertension. In this sensitivity analysis, self-reported physician-diagnosed T2D (the second criterion) was confirmed with the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents or FPG ≥126 mg/dL in the follow-up exam. Participants with self-reported T2D but missing information on the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents or FPG in the follow-up exam (n = 17) were excluded. Reported p-values were corrected for multiple comparisons. BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment–insulin resistance; HR, hazard ratio; HU, Hounsfield unit; IMAT, intermuscular adipose tissue; PM, pectoralis muscle; PY, person-year; SAT, subcutaneous adipose tissue; SD, standard deviation; T2D, type 2 diabetes; TG, triglyceride; Waist C., waist circumference.

