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Applications of polydopaminic nanomaterials in mucosal drug delivery

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journal contribution
submitted on 2023-11-05, 08:41 and posted on 2023-11-05, 09:01 authored by Takwa Bedhiafi, Sourour Idoudi, Areej Ali Alhams, Queenie Fernandes, Heba Iqbal, Renuka Basineni, Shahab Uddin, Said Dermime, Maysaloun Merhi, Nashiru Billa

Polydopamine (PDA) is a biopolymer with unique physicochemical properties, including free-radical scavenging, high photothermal conversion efficiency, biocompatibility, biodegradability, excellent fluorescent and theranostic capacity due to their abundant surface chemistry. Thus, PDA is used for a myriad of applications including drug delivery, biosensing, imaging and cancer therapy. Recent reports present a new functionality of PDA as a coating nanomaterial, with major implications in mucosal drug delivery applications, particularly muco-adhesion and muco-penetration. However, this application has received minimal traction in the literature. In this review, we present the physicochemical and functional properties of PDA and highlight its key biomedical applications, especially in cancer therapy. A detailed presentation of the role of PDA as a promising coating material for nanoparticulate carriers intended for mucosal delivery forms the core aspect of the review. Finally, a reflection on key considerations and challenges in the utilizing PDA for mucosal drug delivery, along with the possibilities of translation to clinical studies is expounded.

Other Information

Published in: Journal of Controlled Release
See article on publisher's website:


Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library



  • English



Publication Year

  • 2023

License statement

This Item is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Institution affiliated with

  • Qatar University
  • Laboratory Animal Research Center - QU
  • College of Pharmacy - QU HEALTH
  • College of Medicine - QU HEALTH
  • Hamad Medical Corporation
  • Dermatology Institute - HMC
  • Interim Translational Research Institute - HMC
  • National Center for Cancer Care and Research - HMC
  • Hamad Bin Khalifa University
  • College of Health and Life Sciences - HBKU