pone.0249362.s007.pdf (63.18 kB)

Analysed concentrations of compounds in larvae and residual material (consisting of larval excreta + residual feed) and spiked concentrations in substrate in Exp. 2 (mg/kg).

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-04-21, 17:23 authored by Nathan Meijer, Theo de Rijk, Joop J. A. van Loon, Lisa Zoet, H. J. van der Fels-Klerx

Mean and standard deviation (n = 3). [1]: Due to a dilution error in sample preparation, the cypermethrin concentration in the excreta in Exp. 2 could not be quantified. POS: Positive value for the concentration but could not be quantified (LOQ value indicated in brackets).

