pone.0286440.s004.pdf (378.18 kB)

AlgU sigma factor binding motifs.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-15, 18:38 authored by Sangita Chowdhury-Paul, Iliana C. Martínez-Ortíz, Victoria Pando-Robles, Soledad Moreno, Guadalupe Espín, Enrique Merino, Cinthia Núñez

A Position-Specific Scoring Matrix was used to identify AlgU binding motifs in the genome of P. fluorescens (A) or A. chroococcum (B) (see Materials and Methods section for details). The predicted AlgU binding motifs with are shown with 16 (upper panels) or 17 (lower panels) bp spacers between the -10 and -35 boxes.

