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Additional file 9 of Enhanced IgA coating of bacteria in women with Lactobacillus crispatus-dominated vaginal microbiota

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-25, 05:15 authored by Annelot C. Breedveld, Heleen J. Schuster, Robin van Houdt, Rebecca C. Painter, Reina E. Mebius, Charlotte van der Veer, Sylvia M. Bruisten, Paul H. M. Savelkoul, Marjolein van Egmond
Additional file 8: Figure S8. The ratio between bound and unbound immunoglobulins in women with L. crispatus dominated and non-L. crispatus dominated microbiota over time. Bound and unbound immunoglobulins were measured menstrual bleeding; time point 1 (T = 1), 7-11 days after onset of menstrual bleeding; time point 2 (T = 2) and 17-25 days after onset of menstrual bleeding; time point 3 (T = 3) and divided to calculate the ratio. These ratios were compared between women with L. crispatus dominated vaginal microbiota and women having non-L. crispatus dominated vaginal microbiota over time. Red line represents the mean.


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