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Additional file 9 of Analysis of pir gene expression across the Plasmodium life cycle

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-26, 05:15 authored by Timothy S. Little, Deirdre A. Cunningham, Audrey Vandomme, Carlos Talavera Lopez, Sarah Amis, Christopher Alder, John W. G. Addy, Sarah McLaughlin, Caroline Hosking, George Christophides, Adam J. Reid, Jean Langhorne
Additional file 9: Fig. S2. Transcription of four gametocyte-specific marker genes across the life cycle stages of P. berghei in the different experiments. The genes included are p28 (PBANKA_0514900) and nek4 (PBANKA_0616700), markers for female gametocytes and ookinetes; mapk2 (PBANKA_0933700), marker for male gametocytes [66]; hap2 (PBANKA_1212600), gamete fusion protein [67]. Bar height corresponds to median TPM, with error bars showing the range of TPM values across replicates. Colours correspond to different experiments.


francis crick institute imperial college london wellcome trust The Francis Crick Institute
