12859_2021_4197_MOESM7_ESM.pdf (13.67 kB)

Additional file 7 of Hypergraph models of biological networks to identify genes critical to pathogenic viral response

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-30, 03:26 authored by Song Feng, Emily Heath, Brett Jefferson, Cliff Joslyn, Henry Kvinge, Hugh D. Mitchell, Brenda Praggastis, Amie J. Eisfeld, Amy C. Sims, Larissa B. Thackray, Shufang Fan, Kevin B. Walters, Peter J. Halfmann, Danielle Westhoff-Smith, Qing Tan, Vineet D. Menachery, Timothy P. Sheahan, Adam S. Cockrell, Jacob F. Kocher, Kelly G. Stratton, Natalie C. Heller, Lisa M. Bramer, Michael S. Diamond, Ralph S. Baric, Katrina M. Waters, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Jason E. McDermott, Emilie Purvine
Additional file 7. This figure shows the p-values for the GSEA enrichment scores (shown in Figure S2) for z-score theshold z.


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
